Contact Us

The Pike Lake office is open weekdays to take Reservations and Seasonal Camper payments:
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
For Overnight Campsite reservations or any questions or concerns, please call the
Pike Lake Office at 1-800-265-2551 ext. 222 or 243 OR email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a detailed message and indicate that you're looking for a campsite at River Place.
Thank you!
For bill payments when the office at River Place is closed, you may drop in or call the Pike Lake Office at 1-800-265-2551 or 519-338-3010 ext. 243 and provide your credit card information, or cheques may be mailed to:
Unit P-02, 9625 Pike Lake Rd., RR#3, Clifford, ON. N0G 1M0